This plan will also help the Polly Ann Trailway Management Council work toward achieving the following Mission Statement:
“To establish and operate a non-motorized greenway accessible to all and positively impacting the lives of all within its sphere of influence.”
2021-2025 Polly Ann Trailway Master Plan
Download 2021-2025 Master Plan ( 28 mb file)
- Downlaod PAT Master Plan - 21-25
2013 - 2017 Master Plan Archive
Download Master Plan Below:
- PAT MasterPlan -1
- PAT Master Plan 2
- PAT Master Plan 3
- PAT Master Plan 4
- PAT Master Plan 5
- The purpose of the Polly Ann Trail Recreation Master Plan is to provide a vision for future allocation of resources toward the development, maintenance, programming, and operation for the segment of the Polly Ann Trail in Oakland County, Michigan.
- The development of the Polly Ann Trail Recreation Master Plan is overseen by the Polly Ann Trailway Management Council and assistance was provided by Oakland County Planning & Economic Development Services. The PATMC has representation from each of the following five communities: Addison Township, Village of Leonard, Oxford Township, Village of Oxford, and Orion Township. This plan does not replace, duplicate, or conflict with the adopted recreation plans for these communities. Rather, this plan complements these documents and continues to encourage a cooperative, multi-jurisdictional effort.
- The purposes of this Recreation Master Plan are to:
- Reafirm the need for and benefits of trails for non-motorized transportation and
recreation in the region - Set goals and strategic plans for the PATMC and Polly Ann Trail Manager
- Stimulate non-motorized networks linking the Polly Ann Trail with other greenways and open spaces in Southeast Michigan
- Qualify for private, local, state, and federal grants